Rippin' Ain't Easy
A few months ago I spoke about how I entered my first fashion show being held in Austin, TX and was waiting to see if I got in. Well..... I did!!! Woohoo!!!!! LOL! But in all my excitement the powers that be didn't allow for it to take place. Instead I was given the opportunity to participate in Rippin' Ain't Easy, a online sewing competition.
Rippin' Ain't Easy is a online sewing competition put together by the amazing ladies of Pretty Girls Sew. You are given a pattern and have about two weeks to make it your own. You submit your looks and people vote for you on their site. I am truly honored to be selected amongst nine talented woman. I am a even more excited to push myself to the limit.
Well, I completed my first round. When I tell you one week later I am still screaming. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! I am very proud of my self. I am not your average seamstress. I dont sew for a living and my fashion line has yet to be made. I sew as a stress releiver from my hectic job and even though I did take a class I often get nervous while sewing.
We were given McCalls Pattern M6953 and had to modify it. I knew I wanted to add a zipper but I also wanted it to be me, cute and sexy. So I decided to crop out the back also. I purchased my fabric from Mood Fabric and when it came in it was not what I expected. I didn't understand that the fabric was panels and not whole piece. (Reading is Fundamental) So when it was time to finally cut out the pattern, I had to make sure it was to my liking.I kind of channeled Amal Cooney's wedding weekend dress. I honestly put my heart, soul, and first born into this dress and was soooo excited to see the final product.
The day before my dress was due, my girlfriend and I went to the area nature reserve to photograph my dress. The timing was amazing and every shot came out beautifully. It was a fun evening in the sun.
After submitting my dress (pressing the send button was like a huge weight off my shoulder) it was time to vote. That morning I could not focus. I shared on Facebook, on Instagram and even had my family, friends and even my mom texting everyone they knew. My family from Dominica was even voting for me. Yup, I'm international! I was so overwhelmed by the love I received. It brought years to my eyes. I support everyone never expecting the receive the same amount of support I was given that day. I couldn't believe the love I felt. The night of results I didn't sleep. I even had a dream I saw a giant tarantula in my bathroom (long story) and next morning when they made the announcement I couldn't believe it. I MADE IT (que Drake song)
I am in the middle of working on my second piece and I push myself everyday. I can't wait to show you. Just know its going to be my favorite color, LOL
Like always I will keep you updated.
Until next time.